At Perryfields Primary PRU, our ambitious curriculum offers our pupils not only the National Curriculum but the life skills and experiences beyond this to flourish in their future lives.
Alongside teaching the requirements of the National Curriculum, key drivers have been identified. We have prioritised the key knowledge, skills and aspirations we want our pupils to experience and develop during their time with us.
We use these ‘drivers’ to underpin the learning and experiences we undertake in all areas of school life and to ensure our curriculum offer is enriched.
These key drivers are personal to Perryfields and reflect the social, emotional and educational needs of our pupils.
The following key drivers underpin our learning and are developed through the school. Our three key drivers for our school curriculum are:
Our Perryfields curriculum challenges our pupils to believe in themselves and reach their full potential.
Learning Powers
The skills that underpin our curriculum. Developing these ‘powers’ enable our pupils to thrive and flourish.
Curriculum Documents





Art & Design


D & T








Learning Outside the Classroom
We believe that Learning Outside the classroom opportunities are an integral part of the entitlement of every pupil to an effective and balanced curriculum. Appropriately planned visits and activities are known to enhance learning and improve attainment, and so form a key part of what makes Perryfields Primary PRU a supportive and effective learning environment.
The benefits to pupils of taking part in visits and learning outside the classroom are outlined in our Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Intent (Appendix 1)
We have identified six broad strands which constitute what we perceive as Learning Outside the Classroom at Perryfields:

1. Weekly Visits
For ten years this collaborative partnership has enabled pupils to experience weekly visits.
A range of activities are provided that develop pupil’s knowledge, understanding and skills in a sequenced way.
Achievements are recognised and rewarded to enhance self esteem.
2. Educational Visits to places of interest/related to topics
Eg. RAF Cosford, National Space Museum
We actively encourage teachers to plan opportunities for children to engage in learning beyond the school grounds. These are planned into all aspects of the curriculum and, by taking learners beyond their familiar environment we are providing awe and wonder (spiritual development), stimulating their curiosity and imagination and motivating children in a powerful way.
3. Visiting and experiencing the local environment
Eg. The Hive Library, Guhlevelt Park, Worcester Museum and Art Gallery
The locality around school harbours a wealth of opportunities within relatively accessible distance. Learners can develop their awareness, skills, knowledge and understanding of their local environment. Important life skills, aspects of SMSC, citizenship, community awareness, values and aspects of safety are included, demonstrated and practised on the visit.
4. Using onsite outdoor spaces to deliver specific aspects of the curriculum
Eg. Earth and Space, PE, observational drawing
The school site provides a large area for pupils to engage in practical and visual activities that can help to deepen their knowledge and understanding.
3. Forest Activities
Eg. Brockhampton Primary School
This is an outdoor education delivery model in which students visit natural spaces to learn personal, social and technical skills. The woodland environment will also be used to give children first hand, kinaesthetic experiences linked to subjects from across the curriculum.
6. Residential Experiences
Eg. Llanrug, West Malvern, Camping at Woodfield House
Staying away from home is a powerful way of developing key life skills, building confidence, self esteem, communication and team working. Our residentials provide children with an opportunity to widen their range of experiences and find new skills and interests in which they may excel.

Inclusion, Equality and Diversity
In line with Perryfields’ Equality and Diversity Policy we use the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that those pupils with protected characteristics are not discriminated against in relation to Learning Outside the Classroom. Namely:
- Age
- Disability
- Race, colour, nationality or ethnicity
- Sex
- Gender reassignment
- Religion and belief

The Learning Outside the Classroom Subject Leader will oversee the development of LOtC and will be responsible for updating the policy every two years and reviewing its success throughout the year.